Tag: <span>Images</span>

Basic Photo Editing for your Bongo4U Website

Do you want to add new images to your website but need some help to resize or edit your photos? Or have you recently added photos and noticed these common problems? Pages are loading slowly. Images look stretched or distorted. Slideshows are causing the content to move up/down. There are many available free and paid…

More Product Pictures are now Available

When adding products to your Bongo4U website, you can add a large product picture and a thumbnail photo for each product. And now you can also add a photo to the top and/or bottom of the product detail page….

Image Rotator, Carousel or Slideshow

Have you ever wanted to add an Image Rotator, Image Carousel or Slideshow to your website? Now it’s easy! We have combined all of these great features into a new Bongo4U function called “Slideshow Plus”. Features In its simplest form, you just add a Slideshow Plus block to any page, upload up to 20 images, and you’re…

File Upload Problem

When uploading one or more files to your website (e.g. images, movies, pdf’s, etc.), when one of the specified files fails to upload (e.g. due to a duplicate filename), the system was not telling the admin user which file had failed to upload. This wasn’t a problem if you were only uploading one file, but…

Images within Folders

We recently implemented a new Image Manager within Bongo4U. It was easier to use and had many more capabilities than its predecessor. Unfortunately, it did not have support for images stored in folders. This impacted some larger sites that were already storing images in folders (to keep their images better organized). These sites still worked okay…