Author: <span>Doug Braun</span>

Cookie Notification on All Bongo4U Websites

It is best practice to inform website users when cookies are being used to track information about them in a web browser. Most modern websites use cookies to track session information which often includes the user’s device information (width & height of their view, what features their device supports, etc.) and any choices they’ve made…

Website Stats Being Moved

Since 2005, Bongo4U has had a built-in Website Statistics utility to tell site owners how many people are using their websites, which pages are the most or least popular, how long people spend on their site, how people find their website, etc. During this time, the Google Analytics utility has grown significantly in its capabilities…

Using Failed Search Results to Improve Your Website

Are visitors to your website able to easily find what they are looking for? How do you know for sure? Fortunately, the Bongo4U website system has a built-in feature to let you know which searches are failing, so you can take some corrective action….

Bongo4U Migration: Update

UPDATE: As previously, communicated, we have been preparing for a migration of the entire Bongo4U system to a new, upgraded hosting environment today (May 19th). The big day is here and guess what happens a few minutes before the migration is scheduled to begin? Our current hosting provide suffers an outage and our Bongo4U servers…

Bongo4U Migration on Thursday

The Bongo4U system will be migrating to an upgraded hosting environment on Thursday, May 19, 2016. All Bongo4U websites will remain available to the public during the migration, except for a few moments at the exact “cut-over” time. We need to disable access to the Bongo4U Admin area during the migration, therefore Admin logins will…

Update All Email Forms & Users in one Place

We have noticed that clients are using more and more Email Forms in their Bongo4U websites. These forms are handy for capturing user responses or requests on a variety of topics throughout a website. However, when an admin user wants to update one or more of these Email Forms, or check to see who these…

Change to Email Messages from Bongo4U Websites

Most Bongo4U websites have one or more email forms. They are used for Contact forms, Request-A-Quote forms, and many other uses. We had to change the “From Address” that was being used in email messages generated from the email forms. Many email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, etc., have implemented a spam-detection mechanism…

Facebook Feeds on your Website: A Catch…

Many organizations add an automatic feed from their Facebook Page onto their websites. It’s a great way to re-use your Facebook Page posts and to have dynamic, changing content appear on your website. However, there is a “catch” you should be aware of……

Bongo4U Blog by Email — including CastleWeb4U

To explain new features of your website, we periodically create blog posts as we implement and enhance the Bongo4U system. This includes CastleWeb4U websites. We recently subscribed Bongo4U admin users to this blog so that you can be kept informed of these new website capabilities (many of you had already subscribed to the blog yourselves)….

New Bongo4U Dashboard

Check out the new “Bongo4U Dashboard” — Lots of information about your website all in one place! What info will you see about your site? a list of site parameters and their settings whether certain features are enabled or disabled the number of pages, products, slideshows, email forms, testimonials, etc. in use a list of…

Twitter Feed Changes

Twitter changed the rules. Previously, Twitter let anyone display the recent tweets from any public Twitter account on your website. It was easy to do. But, Twitter recently stopped supporting the previous methods of displaying a Twitter feed on a website. No problem! — Bongo4U has been updated to support Twitter’s new method of displaying…

Easier Spam Detection in your Email Forms: Captcha

There is a feature called “Captcha” in the Email Form block that should usually be enabled. It helps to detect bots and spammer tools and stops them from sending spam messages to you using your own email form. The Captcha box has been made simpler and much of the “extra stuff (noise)” has been removed…

Add Comments Block to any Page

If you want your readers to be able to add comments on a given page of your website, just add a Comments block near the bottom of that page. The Comments block will enable the submitting of comments by users and the display of all existing comments….

Bongo4U Website Migration (June 14)

Emerge2 is migrating the Bongo4U system to an upgraded hosting environment on June 14th. This affects all Bongo4U websites. How Does This Affect Me?…

Facebook and SEO Friendly Bongo4U Websites

The Bongo4U system has been upgraded to automatically generate Open Graph tags on each page of each website. Open Graph tags tell external systems such as search engines (Google, Bing) and Facebook, more information about your website and about each page. This allows these other systems to provide users with a richer experience when they…