Basic Photo Editing for your Bongo4U Website
Do you want to add new images to your website but need some help to resize or edit your photos?
Or have you recently added photos and noticed these common problems?
- Pages are loading slowly.
- Images look stretched or distorted.
- Slideshows are causing the content to move up/down.
There are many available free and paid photo editing tools. In reading various “Top-10″ photo editing reviews, the Pixlr tool is often mentioned in the top 3 of these lists (many times the first or second option is a paid tool). We have selected Pixlr to use in these instructions, but most photo editing tools provide similar basic capabilities.
Pixlr Express is a beginner-friendly online photo editor. It is a free web-based solution that can assist you with basic photo editing (Resize & Crop), enhancing your photos (Red Eye, Auto Fix, Sharpen) and providing other optional creative editing tools that you can experiment with (Borders & Image Effects). There is nothing to download or install, it just runs in your web browser like any other website.
For step by step instructions on basic photo editing using Pixlr Express read our blog: Basic photo Editing for your Website